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  1. Hi, I read your post on H2B@H. Do you know there are quite a lot of chocies of herbs you could take to build your milk supply up so you wouldn’t have to give the baby homemade formula?

  2. Erin – Yep. I have taken every herb I could get my hands on, pumped around the clock, eaten every galactogogue in the book. I have a low thyroid that I am working on healing, which I suspect is the root cause of the milk supply issues. Thank you for your comment.

  3. I read your guest post and wanted to comment about your milk supply issue. I nursed my 3 children from 12-18 months each and had supply problems with one of them. My doctor placed me on Reglan for a few weeks to help increase my supply. This medication is used for stomach problems or something not normally associated with lactation but it was successful in my friend and I.

    He made several phone calls and read material about it before prescribing it but it works!

    I also pumped on one side while the baby nursed on the opposite side every time or at least every other time to boost the demand.

    Just a few tips that I thought you would like to hear to go back to all natural if possible.

    Coupon Mommie’s last blog post..Reader Question: How Do I Maximize My Coupons?

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