3 Reasons to Consider Homebirth
my youngest and I in our bed, just after his birth
Last week Megan allowed me to write a guest post for her in her series on natural, intervention-free birth.
You can read it here: 3 Reasons to Consider Homebirth.
my youngest and I in our bed, just after his birth
Last week Megan allowed me to write a guest post for her in her series on natural, intervention-free birth.
You can read it here: 3 Reasons to Consider Homebirth.
Sometime early last year – before Hannah was born – I started doing something with the children that has kind of changed my life. I don’t throw phrases like that around a lot, but sometimes small decisions really do change the course of your days. This was one of them. For years I had struggled…
***Comments have been closed and the winners have been notified. Thank you all so much for participating!*** When Nina Planck and her publisher offered to send me an advanced copy of her new book Real Food for Mother & Baby I was thrilled. Her book Real Food: what to eat and why was one of…
With all that has occurred in the last year the topic of illness has certainly been on people’s minds. I think we can agree everyone thinks about it. Whether you are for or against masks, or vaccines, or natural treatments is irrelevant to the point at hand. Each mask you see, each news story, and each time a person is faced with a decision to do or not do something is a reminder of sickness and disease. I’ve also had health issues in the last year and I’ve had several relatives who are encountering some very serious health struggles of one kind or another. It is with all this as a backdrop that I place the question before you, does God use sickness? And if so, what for?
We have gotten a good amount of rain this spring. The gardens look good, the trees look good, and the ponds are full. There have also been quite a few mud days in which the youngest among us are generally relegated to inside activities. You know, because of the mud. I say generally because things…
Before I had children I never thought I needed a day of rest. As always, He knows better than I. Then I had children and it seemed that when I needed a day of rest more than ever, it was impossible to have one. There are meals to prepare, dishes to wash, laundry to do,…
We live in about 300 square feet, these three children, husband, baby belly, and I. Most of you already know that, but there it is, in case you didn’t. It is a makeshift cabin built by my husband which is attached to the small camper we moved into when we first arrived on the land…