My One Goal For The New Year

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Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. ~Ephesians 5:22~ (emphasis mine)

I must have read that verse fifty times before the Holy Spirit really drove it home. It is revolutionary in these times to think of our husbands this way – to serve and submit to them as if he were Christ.

How many conversations would be different if I asked myself "How would I respond to Christ?" Sarah even referred to Abraham as lord.

I want to remember that.

This post is a contribution to Kimi’s Nourishing New Years Resolutions.

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  1. This is an area in which I struggle daily. But it is one in which I see small victories…after much prayer! I certainly can’t do this on my own.

  2. I’m right there with ya. I’ve been trying to train myself to say “Yes, sir” whenever it’s appropriate to instill in myself a proper perspective. May God continue to reform each of us to live increasingly holy and upright lives before Him. Thanks for the great reminder, Shannon!


  3. This concept has always bothered me somewhat. My mother definitely had this kind of relationship with my dad, and it used to upset all of us kids at some point or another when he was being unreasonable or unfair. He happens to be a wonderful man, so it wasn’t too concerning, but I can’t shake the feeling that this kind of thing in scripture is meant to keep women from asserting themselves when they need to. I’m all for a respectful and mutually fulfilling relationship between partners- I’ve even chosen the more traditional role as the SAHM, cook, gardener, and homemaker. However, I couldn’t see my husband as a “lord” and submit to him in all cases and feel that it was doing either of us any service. I know for a fact that my husband wouldn’t want that from me. We just both respect and obey each other when it’s the right thing to do.
    I mean no offense, I’m just very interested in this and have never understood it. I’m reminded of a time in high school when a Christian friend of mine told me that when I got married I would have to obey my husband. I argued with him and asked him what I should do if that husband was telling me to do the wrong thing, or harming me, etc. He never changed his tune, and I was so upset that he really believed because I’m a woman that was my lot. It’s stuck with me ever since.
    I suppose I’m asking- based on your own insight, what is the purpose for this message (other than “God says so”)? What would one do if it ever felt wrong to “submit”? Are women missing out in any way by not asserting themselves in their relationships (when it’s contradicting what their husbands say)?
    I really appreciate any insight you have to offer- this issue has eluded me for years and I see women all around me subscribing to it, so I feel like I’m missing some detail. I’m just genuinely curious!

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