On Balancing Obedience With His Perfect Will

Ethereal Flower by tallpomlin.

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago, but with our family dealing with sickness the past couple of weeks it seemed a timely reminder.

As human beings we always think we know better.

I see this every day in my children. I correct my three year old’s behavior and his first inclination is to point a finger at his brother’s misbehavior. I am constantly having to remind him not to worry about his brother – he’s got enough of his own sins to worry about.

I see it in myself too. I could justify my way out of just about any direct command of God if given the opportunity. Thankfully He has poured out His grace and opened my eyes to my own twisted head games. Still, it is a daily struggle.

And so it is with healthy living.

All we can do is be obedient. Eat the foods that God has given us as fuel for our bodies. Be thankful for the variety of delicious flavors he has provided in these foods. See the industrialized food system for what it is and make a point of not supporting it. Realize that every thing we have is a gift, including nourishing food.

We can eat as well as we know how, but if it is not God’s will that we be in good health then we will not be. And whether or not we are healthy, it is His sovereign will and for His glory.

Obedience is ours, the rest is up to God.

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  1. Thanks so much for this post. I’m eating full GAPS, consulting with Clymer Healing, and still struggling with my health. Sometimes I wonder at how other families who eat alot of junk food are not any more sick than we are…but I can’t eat that food even if I wanted (and thankfully I don’t). I am thankful for the changes we have had to make and not get to make in what we eat. The Lord has brought this knowledge across my path for a purpose. I just need to keep my eyes on my own family and trust that all things come from a good and gracious and sovereign Lord, for not just my good but my sanctification. Sometimes there are no better tools than illness and affliction to keep us clinging to Him!

    1. Betty – Exactly my point. Being unwell is a good reminder of our mortality and is humbling.

  2. amen!

    very timely, providencial even. especially while He has seen fit for my body to be experiencing things that the doctors can not find at the moment. it really has help me to see things in perspective and a wake up call to do my body right with the foods i eat and activities i do.

    thank you.

  3. Thanks to all of you Jesus servers!! We are siblings!!! He is good to us, even in the midst of our candiasis, gluten-intolerant, lactose-intolerant bodies. If we keep our eyes on HIM we will never be dissappointed. Things like diet will be simple to keep up because we will want to worship HIM and feel well!!!
    Thanks to all of you guys and gals.
    Be blessed in Yashua!

  4. Shannon,

    Boy, that’s a tough rubber-meets-the-road lesson. Thank you for sharing and encouraging us in our faith. May God continue to grant you wisdom, understanding, peace and perseverance as He leads you on your Pilgrim’s Progress.


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