
Spring Garden Tour in Photos

I haven’t mentioned much about our garden here, but it really is a big part of the way we are spending our days right now.

Early mornings you can find me and our boys pulling weeds, watering, harvesting, and simply enjoying the view.

Once dinner is over you will find papa and the boys back in the garden preparing the tomato beds, pulling more weeds, and enjoying themselves. I get to watch it all from our kitchen window while I wash the day’s dishes.

The garden really is a place that brings our family together. We have spent countless hours together digging, sifting soil, and planting together. No rototiller, no problem.

Because we rent we have tried to dig up as much space as possible without tearing too far into the yard. It has been a lot of work at times, especially considering we may not be here next year. But the process has been priceless.

Our Garden, In Pictures

These photos are posted in order of proximity to our backdoor. You go past the clothesline, around the pine tree and you find…

Note: these photos were taken about two weeks ago, and things have changed a lot since then.

Not pictured:

  • 4 cucumber plants
  • 2 strawberry plants
  • 1 large pot of thyme
  • potatoes: (top photo) ~ 45 plants
  • carrot patch: ~5′ x 5′
  • 4 comfrey plants
  • winter squash: kabocha, spaghetti, butternut (soon to be planted)
  • purslane
  • stevia
  • borage
  • lemon balm
  • basil
  • hungarian wax peppers

That list reminds me – we still have a lot of work to do.

What is growing in your garden?

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  1. What’s growing or what has been planted? My mint plant has regrown on it’s own. My tomatoes are coming along and my snap peas are loving the sun. My garden is fairly small but I plan to keep expanding.

  2. You have no a damn clue how jealous I am of you! I currently live with my parents but hope to buy my own home prior to summer coming to an end. One thing that is a must with my home is a big enough backyard for a decent size garden. The one you have would be a dream come true with my first home!!

    Thanks for sharing – you just motivated me 🙂

  3. What a LOVELY garden and considering you are renting, what an endeavor! Right now, I have tomatoes, basil, oregano, chives and a whole bunch of wild forage like indian sorrel, lambs quarters, yellow dock and dandelions–aka WEEDS, but I did go out into the garden today to start a new permaculture bed and got very excited so tomorrow its more work in the garden to plant a few odds and ends! 🙂 Alex

    1. A – Granted may be a relative term here :). We basically inched out as far as we could without causing too much alarm.

  4. I know how you feel – there is always more work to be done! We just moved, and so we did raised beds this year! 3 of them, plus a 20 foot traditional garden that was already there. We are growing lettuces, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, swiss chard, spinach, kale, mache, beets, carrots, onions, turnips, radishes, herbs, potatoes, melons, squashes and beans….and chickens! LOL!

  5. Looks and sounds amazing. You gave us a beautiful mood-setter at the beginning, talking about watching the kids and dad through the kitchen window. What a sweet and blessed moment.
    I’m taking gardening one step at a time. Definitely want one someday. This year my goal is to read more about it so I can dig into it (no pun intended) with a clear vision and goal. Thanks for sharing!

  6. A husband who gardens with you… swoon. My husband is mr. mountain man and gardening is not his gig. Hence we buy local. But, maybe someday…

  7. It looks wonderful. I too am jealous. What part of the country do you live in? It looks so pretty!

  8. Oh it’s beautiful. I live in Arizona and while it’s beautiful here too, we could never have gardens that look like that.

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