From time to time I receive emails with resources for healthy, natural living. It is always a balancing act as I attempt to filter through it all and find certain resources that I think might be useful to you all.
A lot of products or companies I am just not comfortable supporting, given my own personal convictions and the ideals I attempt to encourage here. So when a company or person has created a product or resource that can benefit or encourage you then I’d like to highlight them for you.
I’m thinking it will become a monthly feature, or perhaps less often if nothing is worth highlighting. Some of these companies are sponsors of Nourishing Days, some are affiliates, and some are just things I find useful. Either way I am happy to share all of these resources with you because I think they are all incredibly useful and inspiring.
**Reminder: The Askinosie chocolate giveaway ends Monday, January 12th.** A few people have asked about how our no spend months ended. I wrote about why we ended the challenge a couple of weeks early and have posted a link to the entire series in my sidebar under “features” where you can read about our whole…
I am hoping this will be the first in a series of how we do certain things in our household. This is not necessarily the right way or the only way, but the way that things work for us. Right now what is running through my head is all related to simple living concepts, the…
Ever since I became a mama I have wanted to have a basic knowledge of herbal treatments and preparations. When all around me the talk was of "vaccines, drugs, infectious disease, fevers, ibuprofin, infant drug overdose" I heard "fear, fear, fear." I was fed up with a dependency on doctors who were in the back pocket…
I live and work with dirt, in one form or another, all day long. It is in the air that we breathe on this dry, dusty road. It is our cohort in food production and is often present under my fingernails long after I’ve come in from the garden this time of year. It is…
This is part two of a series. You can see part one, Oregano, here. I hadn’t heard much about mullein in my earliest studies of herbal medicine. I now believe there were two reasons for that. For one, it’s not one of the big heal-all cahoonas like elderberry, garlic, and echinacea that everyone talks about….
Did you ever see the story of stuff? I watched it a long time ago and remembered thinking it did a good job of pointing out some problems with our high-consumption society, but dropped the ball when it came time for a solution.
I can’t see anything below the “Nutrition Course and Textbooks for Homeschoolers” title.
Jessica – That’s strange. I can see it when I view it. I’ll look into it.
I have the same issue as Jessica – cant see anything below “Nutrition Course…”
Was this ever fixed into a new post? I can’t view anything past the title “Nutrition Course and Textbook for Homeschoolers” but it sounds like a great article. I’d love to read it if you’ve fixed the problem or reposted it. Please let me know. Thanks!
I can’t see anything below the “Nutrition Course and Textbooks for Homeschoolers” title.
Jessica – That’s strange. I can see it when I view it. I’ll look into it.
I have the same issue as Jessica – cant see anything below “Nutrition Course…”
Was this ever fixed into a new post? I can’t view anything past the title “Nutrition Course and Textbook for Homeschoolers” but it sounds like a great article. I’d love to read it if you’ve fixed the problem or reposted it. Please let me know. Thanks!