Learn To Make Your Family’s Medicine: Another Herbal Nurturing Ebook Giveaway

Herbal Nurturing from Frugal Granola

I have been concocting salves, tinctures, and teas lately in preparation for winter. After many years of hesitation I can’t believe how simple it is to have a few things on hand to nurture my family when they are not well.

One of the resources that helped me get to this point is Michele’s Ebook all about nurturing your family through the use of God-given plants. I wrote a review on the book last month and here is an excerpt:

I was fed up with a dependency on doctors who were in the back pocket of the pharmaceutical companies. The advice I was getting on caring for my baby’s health just did not seem logical, nor in line with God’s creation.

So here I am four years later, still learning the basics of which plants have which properties and how to prepare a simple balm or tincture. When I heard of Michele‘s new ebook, Herbal Nurturing: A Family Healing and Learning Guide, I knew I needed to read it and share it with you all.

Enter to Win A Copy

Michele has generously offered to give away another copy of her book to one of you.

In the spirit of Michele’s book, lets keep this giveaway super simple. Leave a comment on this post and I’ll pick one of you randomly next week. This contest will close at midnight on Monday, November 22 and the winner will be announced on Tuesday. See you in the comments!

Full Disclosure: Herbal Nurturing is an affiliate of Nourishing Days and I was given a free copy of the ebook to review. The opinions stated above are entirely my own and I try to only recommend products that I believe could be of true value to you.

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  1. Thanks Shannon – how timely. Just gargled with hot salt water…getting ready to make my honey and cinnamon mixture. Where did this cold come from? Arghhh!

  2. Sounds like the kind of book I’ve been looking for. My son has a fever now and I HATE giving him regular meds for it.

  3. I am interested in herbal medicine, but I haven’t started actively researching it yet. This eBook sounds like it would be a great resource for someone like me!

  4. It’s just another way our world has changed – for the worse in my opinion – turning solely to the pharmaceutical world to solve our health issues; when they are actually partly responsible for the problems themselves! The earth was created to sustain itself and its people and we need to use those resources to heal ourselves as much as possible. This sounds like an interesting book. I’m anxious to read it.

  5. I would LOVE to win this book… I’m learning a lot lately about feeding my family better and taking care of ourselves naturally. Your blog has really given me a lot of inspiration and tips, and this book would help me take it one step further!

  6. I’ve got my medicinal herb garden going but I’m not exactly sure what to do with all of it. I need to get beyond the basics, hopefully this ebook would help me take the next step.

  7. How excellent! As a kid I always had a fascination for plant-based, natural ‘cures’ – one of my favorite books in grade school was about plants that were safe to eat and included a few basic recipes for such things. This book would be great to have at home today!

  8. As a chemist, I’ve always found this interesting…but have never taken the time to learn about it. This book sounds great, especially since I’m finally done with grad school and starting a family!

  9. Ohh! This would be super! My daughter is just getting through an awful ear infection/strep and they have her on high antibiotics. I just have no idea where to start with natural medicines!

  10. Entering to win. . .I could use all the help I can get as I start to figure out natural remedies!

  11. My sister & I were just discussing this topic a few days ago. We would love to stop relying so much on doctors and OTC & prescription medicine and this book would be a great resource for us to start!

  12. I’ve been trying to find a good resource like this. I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity.

  13. I am 67 and didn’t start learning about natural remedies until about 15 years ago. Would love to learn more instead of depending on our local health food store for their natural but manufactured cures.

  14. Over the past year, I have become more and more connected to natural health, eating, and living. I was always the first to take an antibiotic or pain reliever if I didn’t feel well, because that is the way drug companies want us to think! Through my own journey, I now see how “sick” this way of thinking is, and my health depends mainly on nature’s cures and proper nutrition. It feels good to find so many people who agree! Keep up the great work on your site!

  15. It would be awesome to win this book. My husband is a teacher, so we get exposed to every germ and bug that is going around… my 10 month old daughter and husband are just recovering from a nasty cold now. With our tight finances lately I haven’t been able to invest in the usual supplements to give us all that extra boost so it would be so valuable to know how to make my own for less (atleast I think it would be cheaper?)

  16. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity! I’d love to hear Michele’s wisdom on this topic, especially as we’re trying to take steps to live a more natural life.

  17. Thanks, ’tis the season for coughs and colds! I’ve been searching the internet a ton this week trying to figure the best way to treat my son’s cough. This would be perfect!

  18. I would love to read this book. I’ve been taking care of my family herbally for 20 years, but am always looking for new material to share with my patrons as I am a rural librarian.

  19. Making my own home remedies is something I’ve always wanted to do, but it just seems so daunting. This sounds like it would be a great resource.

  20. This book sounds amazing! My husband and I just found out we’re expecting our second child. We have slowly been taking steps toward becoming less dependent on commercial products, and this would be a huge benefit to us! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  21. I am in the process of researching how to change our medicine cabinet over from the store bought medicines to natural remedies. I would love a copy of this ebook to help move me along a bit faster!

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