Lately: The Redesigned Nourishing Days Edition

Moly mokes is what Annabelle says when something shocking or exciting or scary happens. “Moly mokes, mommy.” The disdain that rolls off that girl’s tongue along with the word “mommy” is a little shocking in its own right, and so I reply “Moly mokes, Frasser.”
Moly mokes, of course, being holy smokes.
And so, if you came here today and found something completely different I understand if a hearty “Moly mokes!” was in order. Stewart redesigned the site for me, wrangling ideas and aesthetics and other crazy nonsense into one cohesive look. I’ll probably be changing and adding a few things in the coming days or weeks, because I’m nothing if not indecisive. Or is it wishy-washy?
You can find more of Stewart’s work at his Nourishing Days Design site.
Onto the Food!
I shared a broccoli salad recipe at Food Renegade:
It’s sweet and tangy and rich and crunchy, but it’s also made more simply, with ingredients that won’t necessarily offend the delicate sensibility of that green vegetable called broccoli.
Have you ever had a black Spanish radish? These things are black and get big and round like a beet. They’re also nice and zippy and we’ve been known to take the stuff as a supplement for infections. Well, we grew a patch of them this spring and I wrote up a little bit about them in Garden to Table: Black Spanish Radish.
And for the least exciting, but totally necessary for your sanity part of cooking, I talked about the cleanup aspect of feeding the growing family.
The camera situation is still being worked out, but I figured a gratuitous baby shot was in order, even if it is a month old. Now I’d best be getting on with the rye and barley pancakes, fried eggs, and raw milk of breakfast before the hungry masses descend upon me.
I think your blog layout is fantastic! I has been awesome for me these past weeks to read and see (through your exceptional photography skills!) how The Lord has blessed your efforts and your trust in His provision. Praying you all remain strong in the faith. You’re an encouragement to me.