On the Backs of Raindrops

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It came late last week, that sweet sound of raindrops on a tin roof. It was a slow, scattered rain that fell on bare, dry soil and so was all the sweeter for its gentle return.

The tanks behind the house hold a bit more water, I don’t over-analyze every sink full of dishwater, and we got back into the gardens this week. Fava beans, garlic, some greens, and peas all made their way into soil that we could spare water for.

There is a king size sheet on the floor with a mountain of laundry that appears to be the haul of the entire laundromat rather than our own family’s share. We are looking at more rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow and the mad dash to and from the clothesline was the last thing that happened as the sun went down.

The days have been cooler since that rain came. This year fall came in its own good time, at the end of October, on the backs of raindrops.

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  1. Glad to hear of the rain. Thank you for the pics–especially the house–that angle gives a good view of it. And always good to see any of the kiddos.

  2. I’m glad to hear about the rain too. I wondered if you use recycled water (used dishwater for ex) for your garden?

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