Forgive Them & Revile Not
Just a short post to highlight some helpful reading over on the Sifford Sojournal:
Forgive Them
“…Wow. Forgiving, even if I could be just in taking offense; forgiving and forgetting (like we would want God to) and not reviling the person; God’s forgiveness being withheld for my being unforgiving of others!
But here was the kicker for me: It’s easy to say I forgive someone who has done me wrong. But the level of forgiveness I need to have for someone is to where I want God to forgive them — for Him to forget their wrong against me, to where He never holds them accountable for it!” Read more…
Of Reviling
“…Reviling is listed here by Paul as a great sin. But what does reviling mean? Here is what Gill says:
Nor revilers;
who are free with other men’s characters, load them with reproaches, and take away their good names; either openly or secretly, either by tale bearing, whispering, and backbiting, or by raising and spreading scandalous reports in a public manner.”