Spring Starts in February
On a warm August day painted with the picture-perfect blue sky, the children all congregated behind the cabin. The eldest, nearly eight now, assisted in washing laundry while he encouraged his younger brother, six, in the garden fence he was putting up. His little sister squatted down in the mud nearby, the way toddlers seem…
We have heated exclusively with a cast-iron wood stove through the previous four winters here in Texas. Somehow we’ve always managed to scrounge together enough firewood through barter or harvesting from our own land. In that time we’ve burned mostly mesquite and reclaimed wood. Much of that reclaimed wood had the remnants of use left…
It all began simply enough. A few trenches here, some rebar there. Little girls with pink socks looking on. And before you knew it, the work site had erupted into utter chaos. Soon the concrete bags were flying out of the trailer and into the mixing trough. And then forms were filled and bolts sunk…
Our morning began as many Mondays often do; with heaps of dishes, dirty floors, and laundry scattered everywhere. A cow and goats to milk, breakfast to make, and chickens anxiously awaiting their freedom. As usual, Stewart heads out the door with the milk pail while I begin breakfast and coax the rest of the chore…
It is one thing to say we’re going to move off-grid and start a homestead and it is an entirely different thing to do it. What you think might happen really doesn’t and what you envision your days looking like isn’t really a reality. We’ve spent the past seven weeks learning that lesson, amongst others….
We headed to the garden this morning, my little helpers and I. The animals had been milked and Daddy and Elijah were working at a neighbor’s house for the morning so it was my four youngest buddies and I. The okra, once again, needed picking and all of us were ready to head outside. The…
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