Author: Shannon

I am wife to Stewart, mama of six, homeschooler, messy cook, and avid fermenter. This is where I tell our story... of building a sustainable off-grid homestead... of raising this growing family of ours... of the beauty and the hard and the joy in all of it.

Healing Garlic Tomato Soup

Last weekend I was nursing (pun intended) an infection due to a clogged milk duct. Thankfully my temperature never spiked too high, but I had all the symptoms of an infection – achy body, achy head, tired all over. Along with rest and lots of nursing, I went through plenty of echinacea, vitamin C and…

Molasses Honey

I love raw honey, but it is cloyingly sweet. Sometimes I want the flavor of raw honey without all of the sweetness. I have found blackstrap molasses to be a nutritious counterpoint to the super sweet honey. Nutritionally it adds manganese, copper, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Make no mistake, blackstrap molasses is very strong,…