Author: Shannon

I am wife to Stewart, mama of six, homeschooler, messy cook, and avid fermenter. This is where I tell our story... of building a sustainable off-grid homestead... of raising this growing family of ours... of the beauty and the hard and the joy in all of it.

Turmeric Tea

Having a jar of that Spiced Raw Honey-Turmeric Paste has made it easy to serve up a cup of this golden, creamy Turmeric Tea. I’ve been making one for Stewart most days and the children as well who all seem to really like it. Besides the health benefits, I like it because the process is…

Wounding Work

I realized recently how many things I have forgotten: What it’s like to flush a toilet… how I never used to hear that sleepy breathing of our children as I crawled into my own bed… that everything begins at home… how I could pull the first string that could be the unraveling of my own children. *** It’s funny to watch them…