Author: Shannon

I am wife to Stewart, mama of six, homeschooler, messy cook, and avid fermenter. This is where I tell our story... of building a sustainable off-grid homestead... of raising this growing family of ours... of the beauty and the hard and the joy in all of it.

Garden Morning Light

When the roosters begin to crow in the black of early morning, I know Joshua is right on time. These babes have all awoke right between four and five to eat and drift back to slumber, leaving Mama wide awake in the peace of morning. It is a gift. Before breakfast is begun and little…

A Walk Around the Front Yard

Going through my photos I realized that one thing I do not have for this space right now are a lot of words. Instead, here is a collection of unrelated thoughts and somewhat related photos. The irony of weeks of triple digit temperatures is that you need to start thinking about firewood. Abram in particular…

Kitchen Baby

Joshua, much like his four big brothers and sisters, prefers to be outside if at all possible. He’s not quite steady enough to sit up on his own, nor is he crawling. Sitting in the bouncy seat outside and watching the chickens and big sisters making dirt pies seems to ease his frustration with those…

Postcards from the Garden

My laptop broke down a couple of weeks ago. Because of this I’ve had more time to work on the kitchen side of recipe development… and head to the garden on a daily basis. We spend much of the afternoon on low-key shade activities so by the time supper concludes we all sort of disperse to…