Author: Shannon

I am wife to Stewart, mama of six, homeschooler, messy cook, and avid fermenter. This is where I tell our story... of building a sustainable off-grid homestead... of raising this growing family of ours... of the beauty and the hard and the joy in all of it.

A Dozen Eggs

Coffee. Morning and ni-night (and as many as I can get/give in-between) squeezes. Three meals and a snack. Chickens out and back up again. Falls, fights, and wiped-away tears. Goat tending. Someone in mismatched socks. Checking for eggs. These are some of the things you are most likely to see here on a daily basis. Chickens…

Kefir-Fermented Oat-Pumpkin Cookies (gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, sugar-free)

He never really seems phased when he can’t eat something, or at least it doesn’t show all that much. The list of “no” has grown or shifted over the years but his understanding and maturity about the whole compromised gut health situation go way beyond his nine years. Though he is fairly stoic, somehow I…

Life, With Goats

Like most things on the homestead, having goats around has been both a big change and a seamless incorporation into our day. In the same way that life and work and family intertwine to form our days, these goats have worked their way into our homestead. In the morning, Daddy and Elijah and Annabelle head…

The Fall Garden

During these November days there is a little time slot in the evenings. The girls have moved on from the sleepiness of nap time but supper is still on hold until just after dark. It’s not quite time to milk Abby so the boys are often traveling down the dirt road to pick up a…