
A Man About His Work

Peering through windows is something I seem to be doing a lot of these past couple of months. Generally it involves bouncing Joshua around from room to room as he falls asleep and it is from these eyes into the outside world that I see much of the goings on. Often this is where I…

The Fall Garden

During these November days there is a little time slot in the evenings. The girls have moved on from the sleepiness of nap time but supper is still on hold until just after dark. It’s not quite time to milk Abby so the boys are often traveling down the dirt road to pick up a…

Preparing for Rain

We started these seeds a few weeks ago thinking that by now they would have made it into the gardens. But there’s not enough water to warrant a planting. The ponds are starting to go dry. The house hole is dry. The gardens are dry. Last week we mixed that wood ash into the spot…