
End of Year Postcards

Stewart planted loads of garlic this year. It went in late, to be sure, but because we could find no onions to plant, we planted plenty. This little ma’am is nearing the five month mark.  Are my children the only ones who put everything into a bowl with milk and call it cereal? We now…

The End of November

Sweet smiles. Gluten-free chewy buckwheat rolls. Morning snuggles. Off-grid laundry for a larger family and my laundry sidekick. *** The gardens only contain a few greens, the chickens are laying at an all-time low, the milk is still coming in from Mabel and the goats every day. Hannah is now four months old and the…

The First Freeze

The first real freeze came through early this week. There were even a few flurries one night which excited the children into running out into the cold, dark night to catch a glimpse. It almost seems laughable to say such a thing, having family in both Minnesota and Alaska, but cold weather is exciting news…