Odds & Ends

A Wish for Annabelle

Dearest Annabelle, When I was pregnant with your biggest brother I was terrified of one thing throughout the whole pregnancy. I was terrified that he would be a girl. I was not prepared then to have a daughter. Two years later I had a similar sense of dread when your second big brother was waiting…


Wednesday afternoon I heard rumors of snow that might fall that night as I typed away in a small corner of the library in that small town in Texas. It was quaint, how they spoke of it as such a phenomenon. And frankly, I just didn’t want to get my hopes up so I put…

The Moringa House

Shannon mentioned previously that we had some new Moringa sprouts.  Well, with the weather taking a sudden turn colder I had to do something to protect them.  Morgina trees do not do well in cold temperatures (or so I’ve read) and theoretically will die back and go dormant over the winter.  Then when it warms…