
Surprising Results with a “Real” Off-Grid Washing Machine
(Video includes a special announcement!) Sometimes the math adds up and it is worth a shot. Hence we thought we would take a try at getting a used washing machine working off our solar system. Shannon did the research and found me some YouTube videos to reference, which helped get the gears moving. With…

Baking and Chickens and Goofballs and Thank Yous
I guess it is already pretty much February. Which means us girls, except Hannah, all turn a year older and it’s time to get ready for spring gardening season. I’m way behind already, that much I know, but I’m ready to plant a big old patch of beets come February 15th and maybe some potatoes…
Resetting the Barnyard: Bringing George In
From the very beginning we have been running our barnyard in a way that sounds all too familiar to my own situation, now that I have to say it out loud: There’s a whole lot going on, all in stunning mediocrity, with a bit of chaos everywhere you go. How Did We Get Here? It…