Our Freelance Services

To support our off-grid journey my husband (Stewart) does freelance jobs such as website design, graphic design, videos, and more.  His rates are very reasonable and he will provide you with a free quote on your project.  He also has past experience in customer support and as a software analyst for Thomson Reuters (Practice CS product).  Below you will find some examples of his work.

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    Your Message

    Website Examples

     Graphic Design Examples

    Video Examples


    1. Hi,

      I was wondering if we could feature you pickles with honey recipe in our electronic Sept Newsletter. It goes to about 500 of our clients and we only put the photo, name of recipe and ingredients with a link back to your page for the actual recipe.

      We also post it on our webpage as a pdf for anyone that wants to download it. Here is our first one: http://www.marinbeecompany.com/Newsletter.html

      Thank you. Please let me know if it is alright. We will buzz you up on Facebook and Twitter (if you are on there).


    2. Pingback: Surprise! »

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