Entitled To What?

Entitled To What?

The last few days I have been thinking about writing Part 3 to “The Blessing in the Thorns” series.  In my pondering of the various things I wanted to say a word eventually rattled around in my head, entitled.  In particular, with the current struggles of having a baby in the house, not having peace…

The View From Here

The View From Here

Thank you all for your warm welcome of Ruth. She is fitting in quite well with the rest of the little ones and we are grateful for a fairly smooth transition thus far. Papa is, once again, the world’s greatest de-gasser of babies. And so long as that has been dealt with, Ruth is a…

And Finally, We Met Ruth

And Finally, We Met Ruth

By the Lord’s grace, we welcomed Ruth Adelaide on 2/4/14 at approximately 10:10 p.m.  Both mama and baby are doing well so far.  She weighed in at 8 pounds 4 oz and was born after about 7 hours of labor.  When Shannon has fully recovered she may post the full story… but for now here…