Wounding Work

I realized recently how many things I have forgotten: What it’s like to flush a toilet… how I never used to hear that sleepy breathing of our children as I crawled into my own bed… that everything begins at home… how I could pull the first string that could be the unraveling of my own children. *** It’s funny to watch them…

Learning to Butcher

We’ve had a buildup of roosters and now old laying hens so the past few weeks we have been butchering 2-4 per week for meat and broth. It’s been a real blessing. The boys have been asking about learning to butcher for some time now. We’ve been trying to give them their own homestead domains,…


By William S. Plumer: Providence is the care of God over His creatures. God’s works of providence are His most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all His creatures and all their actions. To deny providence is as truly atheistic as to deny God’s existence. One who neither sees, nor hears, nor knows, nor…

The Final Turnip Harvest

It is actually kind of ridiculous how many times I’ve sat down to write here this week. I began working on another piece on Five Years a Homesteader but sometimes I don’t trust myself to publish even when the words flow. Thankfully, Stewart is Editor-in-Chief here, reading and giving honest feedback on everything I publish……