Postcards from the Garden

My laptop broke down a couple of weeks ago. Because of this I’ve had more time to work on the kitchen side of recipe development… and head to the garden on a daily basis. We spend much of the afternoon on low-key shade activities so by the time supper concludes we all sort of disperse to…

Abram’s Carrots

There has been a long-standing joke between Stewart and I that we cannot grow carrots. In Michigan we did a very few in a back corner of the garden but they were sort of forgotten by the time we moved to Texas. One fall here I planted carrots, but then the temperatures climbed near the…

He and I

For the first six weeks of his life he probably spent at least 23 hours of every day next to me, in my arms or in the Moby. Then at six weeks old he caught the same deep chest cough that most of the family had and it was an intense few days. But we…