
The days are warm and the nights are cool and the rain falls with some semblance of regularity. When we walk the land we find pear blossoms and salad makings and dirt filled with seeds at all stages of life. It is spring, so they say. I’d say this is a busy time of year…

Our Favorite Brussels Sprouts

Do you ever get on the internet to look up a recipe and find approximately 189 versions of “The Best Chocolate Cake”? All of them are completely different, with different ingredients and different instructions, but they are all The Best. Confusing, no? I’m not sure that these are the best Brussels sprouts, but it is…

Where Things Slow Down

Maybe it’s the new baby in the house… or perhaps the entire month of February in which our whole family was sick. Or, maybe we could chock it up to two full and lovely weeks of family visiting… and the car accident that kept them here a bit longer. (They were spared injury but the…