In September

It hardly seems reasonable to claim this as a month of transition from summer to fall but here we are in September. Summer – particularly July and August – bring a paralyzing halt to just about everything. It is simply too hot to work on as many homestead projects as we’re accustomed to. So we’ve…

When the Rain Rolls In

I can’t exactly remember the last time it rained. I suppose it might have been just before I posted this update on the gardens at the beginning of July. That would have been over six weeks ago now. Since then the solar pump coming from the ponds died and died again and something in the…

Right Now

Planning for…. the fall garden. We ordered just a few seed packets after taking inventory. We’ll be starting flats of greens and herbs, working beds for root vegetables, and trying to focus on really improving a few spaces. Finally realizing… that maybe we’ve stretched it all too thin. Our two major garden spaces are both…

Deep Summer

The days were warm, the nights cooler, the sun visibly moving from summer to fall. The season of abundance was upon us and the dehydrator ran consistently with trays of peppers, herbs, zucchini, and various fruits and berries. The freezer was stuffed daily with freshly picked blueberries and bunches of cilantro and parsley. Tomatoes were…